Raising children in Tennessee can be expensive, as there are a number of costs associated with the process. Some of these costs are necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. Others are optional and oftentimes are limited to what parents can afford. These include extracurricular activities, vacations, and other forms of entertainment. There are even
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The presumption of paternity and its importance
Children in Tennessee are born into many different family situations. They could be born to parents who are married to each other or to parents who are separated or never together in the first place. In any of these situations it is clear who the mother of the child is, but determining the father of
Read MoreWhen can one modify a parenting schedule in Tennessee?
There are many things that change throughout Tennesseans’ lives. Many people have plans for where they want to be in five years or 10 years, but oftentimes those plans change. Certain things are not in our control, which can lead to unexpected changes. This is true when raising children as well. Although these issues can
Read MoreImputing income to unemployed parents for child support
Unfortunately, there are many people in Tennessee who lose their jobs or get laid off. Not having income can create a very difficult situation for these individuals and their families. It is important that parents are able to provide for their children which, obviously, can be difficult when a job is lost. Usually, people who
Read MoreFactors used to determine alimony in Tennessee
People in Tennessee work many different types of jobs. The exact job one may have can have significant consequences when it comes to divorce. Spouses may work very different types of jobs and earn varying levels of income, or only one spouse may work because the other stays home with young children. Others still may
Read MoreHow domestic violence affects child custody in Tennessee
Every couple and family in Tennessee has disagreements and fights from time to time. This is common, but how people handle the fights vary from family to family. Some shut down and take time before they resolve it and some may attack the problem head on and resolve it right away. However, unfortunately some people
Read MoreWhat is considered gross income for child support purposes?
People have many different types of jobs in Tennessee. Many people work for other companies as employees and receive a W-2 at the end of each year. It is generally fairly easy to determine a person’s gross income when one’s only income is through this type of employment. However, there are many other types of
Read MoreWhat are prenuptial agreements used for in Tennessee?
People in Tennessee generally marry for love, and are not worried about who has what property. However, when people marry they are also entering into an unwritten contract that everything that either one earns or acquires during the marriage becomes the property of both spouses regardless of which spouse actually earned or acquired the property.
Read MoreMediation may be a good option as one goes through divorce
Everyone’s marriage in Tennessee is unique, and just as every marriage is unique everyone’s divorce is also unique. The major issues remain the same in most divorces, such as child custody, child support, property division and spousal support. However, these issues will be resolved based on the unique circumstances of the couple’s marriage. Couples going
Read MoreWhen can parents modify a child support order?
Parents in Tennessee are required to provide for the financial needs of their children until they are at least 18 years old. These financial needs can be costly as well. Every child needs food, shelter and clothing as the basics, but they have other needs as well. Young children may require child care and parents
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