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5 considerations to make a flexible holiday time-sharing schedule

Ask any divorced parent and they will tell you that one of the most stressful times of the year is the time leading up to Christmas and other end-of-the-year holidays, due in part to a time-sharing agreement that was established months or even years in advance. Divorced parents have a lot to consider in the

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How taxpayers can find much-needed relief via an offer in compromise – II

When a person enduring serious financial troubles receives a letter from the Internal Revenue Service demanding payment for a past-due tax debt, it can prove to be incredibly distressing. That’s because unlike the typical creditor, the IRS has both vast resources and significant enforcement options at its disposal. As we discussed in an earlier post,

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A closer look at how the SSA determines disability – II

In a previous post, we started discussing how even though it can understandably prove to be very distressing from a financial perspective to be diagnosed with a serious illness or life-changing injury, those in this situation can derive some comfort from the knowledge that they may be eligible for benefits via the Social Security Administration’s

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A closer look at how the SSA determines disability

Thanks to the efforts of the medical community, the government, advocacy groups and even the corporate sector, more people than ever are now cognizant of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, more people are now ceasing their use of cigarettes and other products detrimental to their health, exercising on a more regular basis,

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