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What is the Agreed Divorce Process in Tennessee?

Step 1: Talk to your spouse about the possibility of divorce and whether an agreement can be reached on asset & debt allocation and co- parenting. Step 2: A Lawyer drafts your financial settlement agreement called a Marital Dissolution Agreement, a Parenting Plan (with accompanying Child Support Worksheet), Final Decree (the actual document that the

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What is a Contested Divorce?

Contested divorce occur under a variety of circumstances, such as: one spouse wants a divorce and the other does not; the spouses cannot agree on division of assets and debts or co-parenting of the children; one spouse is not willing to proceed without a lawyer; one spouse is not willing to voluntarily sign paperwork; a

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DUI Conviction Penalties In Tennessee

A DUI conviction in Tennessee can lead to harsh consequences. Jail time is even mandatory with a first offense DUI conviction. Anyone operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher can be convicted of a DUI under Tennessee law. This conviction can cause a person to lose their driving privileges

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