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Committed to helping young people fight DUI charges

In a matter of weeks, colleges and universities throughout Tennessee will be going on spring break, giving students a much-needed reprieve from their academic pursuits and associated responsibilities. While many of these younger people will be flocking to popular beachfront destinations in Florida, Texas and even Mexico, others will be staying closer to home, perhaps

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IRS’ new passport restrictions scheduled to take effect next month — II

A few weeks back, our blog began discussing how the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act of 2015 contained a little known provision calling upon the IRS to begin working with the State Department to revoke, deny or otherwise limit the ability of individuals with “seriously delinquent tax debt” to use passports. Indeed, this interagency initiative

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IRS’ new passport restrictions scheduled to take effect next month

Six years ago, the Government Accountability Office, the independent congressional watchdog tasked with helping “improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the federal government,” released a rather eye-opening report examining the feasibility of leveraging passports as a tax collection tool. Specifically, this GAO report determined that in 2008 alone, passports were issued to 224,000

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Why is the IRS so adamant for people with disabilities to file tax returns?

It may seem impossible to believe, but the 2017 tax filing season officially began last Monday, meaning the countdown to Tuesday, April 18, 2017, this year’s deadline for filing 2016 tax returns, has officially begun. Interestingly enough, the Internal Revenue Service is now urging both taxpayers with disabilities and the parents of children with disabilities

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Am I guilty of a crime if I share my prescription medication?

Imagine this: You’ve just had surgery, after which you are prescribed an opiate painkiller such as Percocet or Oxycodone. You take the pills for awhile, but quickly realize you won’t need all of them. A friend of yours, however, has been complaining of pain and could benefit from your remaining pills. You ask yourself: Is

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How the SSA’s Compassionate Allowances initiative helps the truly ill — II

In a post last week, our blog began discussing how applicants are sometimes surprised to learn that the process of receiving benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance program can take months or even years, and how this reality can be beyond frustrating for financially distressed individuals suffering from medical conditions that are at best

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Factors used to determine which parent will have custody

There are many different parental situations in Knoxville. Sometimes the parents are married, sometimes they are divorced or separated and in other situations the parents were never married. While the parents are married, they are generally living together and raising the children together. However, if they divorce or were never married in the first place,

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