All posts by Easter & DeVore

A closer look at how the SSA determines disability

Thanks to the efforts of the medical community, the government, advocacy groups and even the corporate sector, more people than ever are now cognizant of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, more people are now ceasing their use of cigarettes and other products detrimental to their health, exercising on a more regular basis,

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Improbable alliance seeking to reform Tennessee’s criminal justice system

While the state of Tennessee has recently made progress introducing much-needed reforms to the criminal justice system, it goes without saying that considerably more work needs to be done. If you have a hard time believing it, consider some of the following statistics about the Tennessee criminal justice system: The incarceration rate is 11 percent

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DoJ free to investigate Wells Fargo employees, but will it?

From news sources to social media outlets, the entire nation seems abuzz about the recent announcement made by the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau earlier this month, which indicated it would fine Wells Fargo $100 million. The announcement came after confirming reports that some of the financial institution’s employees had “opened accounts and shifted funds from

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In an undoubtedly groundbreaking decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution grants the right to same sex marriage. Justice Kennedy wrote the majority opinion, which encompassed the Court’s recognition of the importance of the institution of marriage: “No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion,

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Cocke County Attorney Arrested at County Event

Attorney Charlotte Leibrok of Newport was arrested at an outdoor event in Cocke County on Saturday, July 26, and racked up multiple charges including public intoxication, possession of a handgun while inebriated, unlawful carrying and possession of a handgun, and for resisting arrest-all following the original charge of disorderly conduct Leibrok had been attending the

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