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What Happens to Child Support If a Parent Moves Out of State in Tennessee?

When the custodial parent moves out of state in Tennessee, child support obligations generally remain in effect.

If the other parent resides out-of-state, child support can be pursued across state lines under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA).

You can learn more HERE.

However, there are a few key points to consider:

Jurisdiction – The original child support order remains in effect, and Tennessee typically retains jurisdiction over the case unless both parents agree to transfer it to the new state.

Enforcement Across States – Under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA), Tennessee’s child support order can be enforced in any other U.S. state. If the non-custodial parent resides in Tennessee, Tennessee will continue to enforce the order.

Modification of Support – If the custodial parent or non-custodial parent seeks to modify child support, they may need to file in the state that has continuing jurisdiction (often Tennessee, unless legally transferred).

Notification Requirements – The custodial parent may be required to notify the non-custodial parent and the court before moving, especially if there is a custody order in place.

Interstate Cooperation – If needed, the Tennessee Department of Human Services can assist with enforcing or modifying child support when a parent moves out of state.

If you’re dealing with a specific case, it might be helpful to consult with a family law attorney or the Tennessee Child Support Office to ensure compliance with legal requirements.